Riserva dello Stagnone in Marsala Tour


The Reserve of the Stagnone extends him on the western coast of Sicily in the territory of the commune in Marsala, in the line of inclusive sea among head St. Theodore and head Boeo or Lilibeo.
 The reserve takes the name from him "Stagnone" a lagoon, the vast of Sicily, characterized by waters low (1-2 ms and often no more than 50 cms) and inclusive among the four islands of St. Pantaleo (Mozia), Great Island, Schola and Saint Maria.
 The lagoon is relatively formed in recent (it didn't exist to the epoch of the Phoenician colonization of Mozia) times following the sand's movements owed to the submarine tides that have created the Great island around two native islets. The birth of the island has closed a part of sea in open origin and here, not being us current necessary to the exchange, water is become stagnant, with a temperature above the normal one.

The principal activity of the Stagnone was that of the salt pans that it practiced him making to evaporate the water channeled in special little ponds for then to pick up the salt. The pumping of the water and the grinding of the salt were developed through mills, some still preserved.

source Wikipedia

Proposed of excursion of Mothia and the salt pans: Visit of the mills, of the salt pans Ettore Infersa and of the museum Whitaker (3 hours around).

Proposed of excursion Mothia-salt pan-Marsala

Proposed of excursion Erice-Mothia

Proposed of esursione Segesta-Mothia
