Valle dei Templi Tour


The archaeological and landscape park of the Valley of the Temples is one of the more representative archaeological sites of the classical Greek civilization. On a rocky ridge that delimits to south the highland on which the classical inhabited area rose, the rests of the temples still emerge gild us of uncertain attribution. More in low, the plain one of St. Gregorio crossed by the course of the river Akragas, to whose mouth was found the I bring and emporion of the ancient city. The driven visit allows to admire the magnificent temples gild us of the sacred hill, recently inserted by the Unesco in the list of the cultural patrimony of the humanity: the Temple of Hera (Giunone), the Temple of the Harmony, the Temple of Eracle (Ercole), the Temple of Zeus (Jupiter) Olimpico and the Sanctuary of the Divinities Ctoniche. And also to understand the civilization that has produced them and to know the characters that have made of Akragas her "more beautiful city of the deadly ones."

To few kilometers it will be possible to visit the house of the famous writer "Luigi Pirandello"
